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Metro reacts to Spending Review and argues the case for Leeds trolleybus scheme

21 October 2010


Although it was not mentioned in yesterday's Comprehensive Spending Review announcement, Metro, the West Yorkshire PTE, believes that its proposed NGT trolleybus scheme meets the government’s stated aims of supporting public transport and sustainable low carbon transport initiatives

The PTEanticipates that Philip Hammond, the secretary of state for transport, will now make a positive announcement about the scheme next week.

Metro chair Chris Greaves said: "We have already reduced the scheme’s costs by 15% or £35m which is more than the chancellor’s 10% reduction in capital spending on transport projects nation-wide.

"By investing in the trolleybus network, the Government would show that it really is interested in fairness by demonstrating that it is keen to start reversing the years of transport underspending in our region which last year saw just £248 per person spent on transport compared with £334 nationally, and £641 in London.

“Because they also meet the Government’s objectives, we also await what should be positive news on the planned new Kirkstall and Apperley Bridge stations for which we have, thanks to the significant developer contributions available, already been able to submit alternative ways of phasing package to reduce the initial funding pressure on the DfT.”

Greaves also said that reductions in subsidies for bus and rail services could defeat the government’s objectives of reducing congestion.

He continued: “I am surprised that having emphasised it supports public transport and green transport initiatives, the Government has today announced these measures."

“While I think that bus operators enjoying unrealistically high profit levels should absorb the cut in the Bus Service Operators Grant I fear it is unlikely, which means we are going to be faced with rising bus and train fares, and that in turn will mean more people abandoning public transport and going back to their cars.”

Referring to the 7.1% spending cut being imposed on local councils, Greaves said, “We rely upon funding from the five West Yorkshire councils for around half of our spending, which is why we have already started the planning process to identify in what ways we can absorb potential budget cuts.

“While, as we have already pointed out, we may have to look at how we support bus services and operate facilities such as bus stations, we will be unable to make any specific decisions until the West Yorkshire districts have had the chance to see how they are affected.”

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