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Alternative routes: high cost, fewer benefits

20 January 2012
This rusty railway could have a vital part to play in the construction of the London-West Midlands high-speed route. In November, the Chancellor announced the Government support for the East West Rail Consortium plan to re-establish the Oxford-Bedford link, a project that involves improving existing rail lines as well as relaying the track between Calvert in Buckinghamshire and Bletchley (pictured). The line, which could re-open in 2017, crosses the high-speed railway alignment at Calvert, where HS2 Ltd plans to build an infrastructure maintenance depot. East West Rail is likely to be a supply route for materials needed for HS2’s construction.
This rusty railway could have a vital part to play in the construction of the London-West Midlands high-speed route. In November, the Chancellor announced the Government support for the East West Rail Consortium plan to re-establish the Oxford-Bedford link, a project that involves improving existing rail lines as well as relaying the track between Calvert in Buckinghamshire and Bletchley (pictured). The line, which could re-open in 2017, crosses the high-speed railway alignment at Calvert, where HS2 Ltd plans to build an infrastructure maintenance depot. East West Rail is likely to be a supply route for materials needed for HS2’s construction.


None of the alternative alignments suggested for a London-West Midlands high-speed rail line can deliver comparable benefits to the preferred route through the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), says the Government.

Planning Policy Statement 7: Sustainable development in rural areas states that major development should only take place in AONB’s in exceptional circumstances.

“Our conclusion is that alternative routes for a high-speed rail line that avoids the AONB...

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