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TfGM on target to boost cycling

21 March 2014
Cycle Hubs in Greater Manchester have been a ‘great success’, says TfGM
Cycle Hubs in Greater Manchester have been a ‘great success’, says TfGM


The number of trips made by bike in Greater Manchester could increase to 10% of all journeys over the next 12 years with sustained funding from government, believes Dave Newton, transport strategy director at Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM).

Between 2011 and 2015 Greater Manchester will have received £37m of government funding for cycling, ranging from cycle hubs and cycle & ride stations to new cycle routes and road safety improvements.

At Cycle City, TfGM will be explaining how they are working with partners to remove barriers to cycling and enabling a growing number of people to cycle to work. 

TfGM is winning support for its ‘Better by Cycle’ campaign by offering training, information and improvements to cycle routes and facilities across Greater Manchester.  More than 3,000 people have taken part so far in TfGM cycle training courses, says Newton. A dedicated website (www.tfgm.com/cycling) and a monthly e-newsletter have also been launched. 

“Providing secure and convenient cycle parking and high quality cycle routes is key to our plans,” says  Newton. “Three Cycle Hubs offering nearly 300 secure spaces have already opened in key locations, with more to follow. Cycle Hubs are proving a success, with research among members showing that 60% have cycled more since joining and 54% have recommended them to others.” 

Cycle parking will also be improved through Ambition Grant funding, with seven ‘Cycle & Ride’ rail stations being delivered, which will look to encourage cycling as part of a longer commute.

Cycle City Ambition Grants take centre stagew in the debate at Cycle City

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