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Judging panel get set to choose top Cycle Planning Awards submissions

24 July 2015
Roger Geffen
Roger Geffen
Rachel Aldred
Rachel Aldred


Respected figures from the world of cycling will decide the winners of the inaugural Cycle Planning Awards.

Chair of the panel of judges is Phillip Darnton, executive director of the Bicycle Association. He was also chair of Cycling England, an independent expert body set up by the Secretary of State for Transport, from 2005 until its abolition by the Coalition Government in 2011.

Other members of the panel are: 

  • Rachel Aldred, senior lecturer, Westminster University, leads the Westminster MSc in Transport Planning and Management. Much of her research focuses on cycling and she has carried out research projects funded by organisations including the Economic and Social Research Council and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. 

  • Isabelle Clements, director, Wheels for Wellbeing, a charity that fights for cycling equality for disabled people. They support disabled people to access cycling in South London. Isabelle is an urban handcyclist, and leads the Inclusive Cycling Forum for London, which campaigns for cycling infrastructure that is fully inclusive.

  • John Dales, chair of the Transport Planning Society, and director of Urban Movement. He has 30 years’ experience as a traffic engineer, transport planner and urban designer. He’s been author of a monthly article in Local Transport Today since 2005.

  • Brian Deegan, principal technical Planner, Transport for London, who is currently revising the London Cycling Design Standards. He was Project Development Manager for the London Cycle Network and is a pioneer of light segregation. 

  • Rosie Downs, campaigns manager - London Cycling Campaign, responsible for managing development and delivery of communications strategies brand development. 

  • Roger Geffen MBE, campaigns director, CTC, the UK's national cycling charity. Originally from a cycle campaigning background, Roger has gained experience of working both in the local authority and consultancy sectors, before returning to cycle campaigning work at CTC.

  • Martin Key, campaigns manager, British Cycling, responsible for campaigning activity and achieving support for action at a national and local government level to achieve the desired changes to legislation and the cycling environment

  • John Parkin, professor of transport engineering at University of the West of England. John is a transport engineer and planner specialising in cycling. After promoting transport schemes in consultancy at Atkins and Mouchel, he now trains professionals in planning and engineering for cycle traffic. 

  • Carlton Reid, executive editor of BikeBiz.com, and author of Roads Were Not Built For Cars. His work has appeared in National Geographic Traveller and The Guardian and many other magazines and newspapers.  

  • Tony Russell, transport engineering manager, Sustrans. Tony offers support on the traffic and highways aspects of Sustrans’ projects, including developing skills within both Sustrans and external organisations through professional training and direct support. 

  • Erik Tetteroo, consultant, Dutch Cycling Embassy, who works as a consultant at APPM in the Netherlands and is the UK representative for the Dutch Cycling Embassy. 

Find out more about how to enter the Cycle Planning Awards.

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