Our event partner Jacobs is kindly sponsoring 10 full delegate places for students who are interested in sharing ideas about the key issues to be discussed at Modelling World.
Please apply, by 28 May, with a CV and top two preferences for morning and afternoon sessions to: juliana.orourke@landor.co.uk
Jacobs will ask all student ambassadors to gather at lunchtime at the event reception desk for a group photo.
Modelling World 2019, now in its 14th year, is the UK & Europe's best attended, longest-running and biggest conference / annual exhibition for transport and pedestrian modelling professionals, advisory and strategic modellers, data scientists and transport economists.
In 2019, we will be introducing an afternoon session on June 4, prior to the main conference, to explore the implications and potential of Digital Twins.
Jacobs delivers highly-valued solutions for our clients by applying an unrivalled depth and breadth of capabilities:
Personal mobility is an essential part of an inclusive society, but can have significant externalities in terms of congestion and environmental impacts.
Helping our clients to move millions of people a day in a sustainable manner is a key part of our day-to-day work. Decisions made on transport infrastructure can influence the shape and success of our cities for generations, at a time of rapidly changing work and living patterns. We help our clients to decide whether to invest in hard capital infrastructure, how to nudge people out of their cars on to more sustainable forms of transport, or devise new ways of using existing infrastructure more intensively; all while understanding the wider economic and political implications of such policies.
Our 1,000-plus transport planners worldwide offer a full range of services, from front-end feasibility studies and policy development to full-scale strategic modelling and scheme appraisal and the detailed analysis of projects.
For examples of our projects, please visit the Jacobs website
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