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Baywatch 2022 survey will be launched in August

Mark Moran
13 July 2022


Disabled Motoring UK is to launch its annual Baywatch survey of Blue Badge provision in car parks this August.

The charity provides the survey data to the parking industry and encourages it to take the parking problems of disabled motorists more seriously and manage their parking provision correctly. The campaign also aims to change public attitudes by bringing to the attention of disabled bay abusers the impact that their actions can have.

Heidi Turner, campaigns and communications director at Disabled Motoring UK (DMUK) said: “Disabled bay abuse is still one of the main concerns expressed to us by our members and the public. Our annual Baywatch campaign is an opportunity to focus the parking industry on the problems faced by disabled motorists when parking and sends the message that these bays need to be enforced and managed correctly.

“A common problem for many disabled motorists is not being able to park at their desired destination. The major complaint is that the disabled bays are all occupied with cars not displaying a Blue Badge.

DMUK’s Baywatch campaign researches opinions about disabled parking abuse.

“Last year we received over 850 responses, breaking all records, which goes to show that many of our members are still experiencing massive problems when it comes to finding suitable and properly enforced disabled parking,” says Turner.

The survey will ask disabled drivers to think back over the last 12 months to consider their general parking experience and ask them to answer some questions about this experience at supermarkets and at other car parks. “We will use this data to tackle the supermarkets and other parking providers over their disabled parking policies,” says Turner.

The survey will be printed in the August issue of Disabled Motoring and members can fill it in and send it to DMUK using the freepost address. Alternatively there will be an online version going live in August which can be accessed through DMUK’s website

Write a letter to your MP

DMUK has produced a new template letter on our website available for members and public that can be sent to your MP to ask them what is being done in their area to tackle Blue Badge parking abuse.

To download the letter visit

Further information on contacting local MPs can be found by visiting

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