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Smarter green thinking makes even more sense

A sustainability focus must be at the heart of passenger transport decision-making, but it needs new dimensions

Peter Stonham
13 July 2012
Peter Stonham holds a degree in transport and has studied and written about the subject for more than 30 years. He is editorial director of the Landor group, which he founded, and has led the development of New Transit, Local Transport Today and its other specialist magazines and on online networks. He previously co-edited Jane’s Urban Transport Systems, helped found the Transport Planning Society and launch the Travel 2020 event and its predecessor, Passenger Transport Solutions.  He has contributed to many other specialist publications and conferences.
Peter Stonham holds a degree in transport and has studied and written about the subject for more than 30 years. He is editorial director of the Landor group, which he founded, and has led the development of New Transit, Local Transport Today and its other specialist magazines and on online networks. He previously co-edited Jane’s Urban Transport Systems, helped found the Transport Planning Society and launch the Travel 2020 event and its predecessor, Passenger Transport Solutions. He has contributed to many other specialist publications and conferences.


Public transport has long traded on its green credentials and the lower carbon emissions which attend to passenger journeys on buses, trains, trams, and other sustainable modes, compared to similar trips in the private car. But, it is not enough to stand still in this area, not least because the fuel efficiency and other eco-credentials of new cars are improving rapidly, and the motor industry is already strongly promoting new cars as a greener choice too.

In a difficult economic climate...

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