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Traffic Penalty Tribunal to hear appeals against PCN issued for non-payment of Mersey Gateway toll

Mark Moran
23 October 2017

The independent lawyer adjudicators at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal (TPT) will decide appeals against penalties issued for not paying the toll for using the new Mersey Gateway between Runcorn and Widnes in Cheshire, which opened on Saturday 14 October.

Merseyflow is the name given to the charging scheme and Halton Borough Council is the charging authority.

Vehicle owners can open an account, otherwise the toll must be paid by midnight of the day following crossing the bridge. They must pay for crossing each way, at any time day or night.

If drivers do not pay the toll by midnight the following day they will be sent a £40 penalty charge notice (PCN), which is reduced to £20 if paid in 14 days.

There is an appeal process that involves an initial representation to Merseyflow, and if not successful, then to TPT.

TPT chief adjudicator Caroline Sheppard OBE, said: “Motorists who need to challenge penalties and have their representations to Merseyflow/Halton Borough Council rejected can appeal to the adjudicator quickly and easily online, The Notice of Rejection explains how. It is quick, free and easy to appeal.”


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