Building Better Side Street Crossings
What do Local Transport Note 1/20, the 2022 Highway Code update and innovative practice by some local authorities have in common? They all seek to make it safer and easier for people walking, wheeling and cycling to cross side street junctions.
Nevertheless, across the UK, these junctions remain locations where collisions and near misses are common and which thereby supress the potential for increased active travel. Efforts to address these problems are localised, several design issues remain contentious, and scheme costs are a challenge. Beneficial regulatory change is also painfully slow.
This webinar will bring together a panel of experienced practitioners who will clarify the key issues and obstacles at stake but also show, through reference to real-life examples, how innovative measures can make side street junctions safer and more convenient for active travel by taming motor traffic without affecting highway capacity.
This webinar will cover:
The webinar is scheduled to occur on Zoom.
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