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Peak oil will have profound implications for transport policy: we need to prepare now

Les Buckman, Steer Davies Gleave
05 February 2010
Les Buckman is an associate at Steer Davies Gleave, specialising in demand forecasting and appraisal.
Les Buckman is an associate at Steer Davies Gleave, specialising in demand forecasting and appraisal.


In 1979, a low budget Australian film titled Mad Max was released that went on to become a global smash hit and make a star of its lead actor Mel Gibson. Its premise, brought vividly to life in the two sequels that followed, was of a dystopian world where oil has all but run out, causing economic and societal breakdown.

Whilst we are a long way from running out of oil, it is a self-evident truth that oil is a finite resource and will eventually become exhausted. ‘Peak oil’ refers to...

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