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Ashford car park gets green light

Deniz Huseyin
12 March 2020
The car park design
The car park design


Plans for a 500-space multi-storey car park in Ashford, Kent, have received planning permission. The five-storey car park will be built on the current 120-space Station Road surface car park behind the Hollywood Bowl bowling alley.

The new site will include 24 disabled spaces while 120 bays will feature charging ports for electric cars.

The junction on Station Road will be widened to accommodate a two-lane exit arrangement, separating traffic turning left and right.

The plan is opposed by Cllr Bernard Heyes, who described the proposed façade for the car park as “horrendous”. He said: “It may be an attractive place to work but this building’s not attractive.”

Ashford Borough Council pointed out that the drawings are an indicative design, which could be amended later on. The new car park will fit into the character of the area as office blocks at Kent House and Stourside Place are five levels high, it said.

The structure will feature a steel mesh, which will be lit at night with a variety of coloured lights.

The council said that more parking spaces are needed to offset the loss of Vicarage Lane car park if the proposed redevelopment of the Mecca Bingo site goes ahead.

An Ashford Borough Council spokesperson said: “Having successfully received planning permission, we will programme in the next steps, including detailed design, in light of on going reviews of parking demand within the town. We are just about to open Victoria Road car park and will subsequently review the impact this has on demand within other town centre car parks going forward.”

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